LIFT: Tools for Missionaries
Missions service is about more than just preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, or rescuing refugees. Today’s missionaries must also navigate travel, technology, and global connectedness—and the complex laws that govern them. MBI offers a unique professional and contextualized service called LIFT to help YWAM missionaries crush the “big rocks” that sometimes hinder ministry.
A Time to Build
As frontline YWAM missionaries continue to make God known to the least, the last, and the lost, Mission Builders International is there to support them, providing YWAM campuses with the services and practical help they need to stay healthy and fulfill their callings long-term. Now, we’re taking our commitment to a higher level. Planning is underway to build MBI’s Mission Lodge hospitality center to engage YWAM missionaries, volunteers, students, and visitors more fully.
“Love Ya Buddy!”
We are sad to report the passing of a great friend, mentor, and servant’s servant to his new residence in Jesus’s arms. Lynn Battermann was the consummate friend to all who knew him. His love of Jesus translated into practical service around the world and here at home.
I Did a DTS. Now What?
Many students of YWAM’s Discipleship Training School graduate with a desire to serve full-time in the mission, and YWAM campuses worldwide need people just like them to achieve their mission goals and thrive. MBI brings these two dynamic groups together through our After DTS program.
Dawn Masucci: Cheerleader
“We tend to get busy working in the ministry. But sometimes we have to stop and work on the ministry and its team if we want to go forward and be truly healthy and productive. When a ministry knows how to care for its staff, it is sure to thrive.”
Go Big or Go Home
Canadians Stuart and Barclee Huggins and their son Lincoln set off on a round-the-world mission-building trip in January of 2020. Although the pandemic cut their time short, their time of service still made an impact.
Debriefing: A Simple Matter of Listening
Change, crisis, injustice, loss, feeling stuck. Everyone experiences these at some point in life, including missionaries. Because MBI’s goal is to help YWAM missionaries thrive, we offer spiritual debriefing to assist them in making sense of the things that happen in life and in mission service.
Partner Architects
Buildings preach,” says architect Ross Lackey, and “YWAM ministries deserve places that support their efforts as part of God’s redemptive work in the world. Success is not a pretty building, but rather how Christ is having a real impact on people’s lives.”
Say Uncle!
As we wade yet again into uncharted waters, we might be tempted to only say “uncle.” We readily admit that current circumstances may be beyond our control, but in response we lean into a self-sufficiency that, when pushed too far, can become our Achilles heel. When it comes to God, may it never be said that in our pride we cried “uncle” when what we really needed to do was cry “mercy.”
A Reason to Hope
We are no longer in control of our coming and going, our calendar, our income, our gathering of friends for fellowship and worship—even our outreach and touching others in the name of Jesus—all for fear of spreading an invisible enemy. Rather than focus on what we cannot do and cannot have, however, we choose to continue to reach out.