Bwana Asifiwe! The Lord Be Praised!

Bwana Asifiwe! The Lord Be Praised!

“Bwana asifiwe! The Lord be praised!” say Victor and Lori Selemani, formerly of YWAM Lichinga, Mozambique. When they decided to join the staff of the new YWAM work in Nampula, they not only understood the value of developing a team strategy, but they knew just the right mission builders to help them do it.

“We were very privileged to have very good friends from America, Chip and Sandy Wanner, come facilitate the workshop and sharestrategic planning in YWAM Nampula from their wealth of experience and walk with the Lord. We had seven intense days of praying and thinking together as a team and made good progress, coming up with an overall purpose statement and beginning some strategy and action plans. Our vision as YWAM Nampula is to see ‘lives and families restored, standing firm in Christ, and communities transformed among all the people groups in northern Mozambique.’ Pray with us for God to bring this to pass in the coming years, as only by His Spirit’s power will this be accomplished.”

Responding in Faith, Not Fear: What to Do If Crisis Comes

Responding in Faith, Not Fear: What to Do If Crisis Comes

The predicted coming crisis this fall is revealing the heart and shaking those things that can be shaken.

By Sean Malone, Director of Crisis Response International

There has been a lot of talk and speculation about what is coming upon the world this fall, from New York Times bestsellers like The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah (Shemitah years are God’s seven year cycles mentioned in Scripture and linked to economic activity) to contemporary prophets and blood moon preachers. While we can’t draw hard and fast doctrines from any of these things, they are signs that make one wonder. I personally have heard quite a bit about what is supposed to happen in America this September but very little about what we are to do. Is it just me or does it feel like someone just sucked the air out of the room? It’s like a collective gasp around the body of Christ right now as many of us are frozen, stuck and unsure of what to do. Some are even locked up in fear while the enemy just laughs. But I believe God is raising up people who understand the times and know what to do.

“From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.” 2 Chronicles 12:32 NLT.

Just as God raised up the sons of Issachar who could interpret the times and know what to do, we need to be equipped with knowledge and wisdom on how to take action for the good of the Church and for the sake of the Gospel.

Faith Not Fear

No matter what happens this fall, none of it will take God by surprise. The answer to navigating the potentially troubled waters of this fall is rooted in faith and not fear. If your plan is to hunker down, hoard and just hold on, friends I am sorry you are missing the point. It would help us all to dig into the book of Hebrews to see a bigger picture. In Hebrews chapter 11 we see the many things the heroes of faith endured. By faith Noah, by faith Abraham, by faith Moses, they ran their race well and endured hardship “by faith” and became heroes of the faith. In chapter 12 we are reminded that God disciplines us as his sons and that we are to endure hardship as discipline from the Lord. Discipline is a sign of our sonship. He goes on to tell us that there is a time period that God will shake everything that can be shaken so that we can receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

God’s Shakings Are Redemptive in Nature

One thing we need to understand if we are talking about a God orchestrated shaking is that it is redemptive in nature and designed to perfect love for Him and for others. It’s ultimately the first and second commandment coming into first and second place. Anything not under the Lordship of Christ needs to be and will be shaken anyway if it is hindering love for Him and others.

Think about that for a second.

What distractions are in your life that keep you from loving Him and others wholeheartedly? Right now is your heart tender and free from the cares of this life? Is He truly your magnificent obsession? Are you living fully for Him and through Him? Secondly, right now do you love others as yourself and carry a burden for the lost among the nations? This should serve as a tuning fork for our hearts because it is what is on His heart.

How Will We Respond?

If this is true, our response to the potential shakings of this fall should look different. Our preparedness for an economic, political or even geological shaking should be more than a desperate attempt to hold onto our western lifestyles. Preparing for the days ahead is so much deeper than hoarding stuff. I have news for you, if that is your response than God may even shake that too. Do you really think He is looking for more western independence? It makes me wonder how many people are paralyzed in fear right now of what’s coming and have retreated from what God has called them to do. Our western gospel of comfort that is devoid of the notion that we may suffer has fashioned a golden image of who God is. With the threat that their god may be shaken, people are locked down in fear. Shakings are the litmus test to show who we really serve. Ask yourself this question, how much of my lifestyle did I fabricate and how much of it is built on God’s unshakable Kingdom?

Restoring the Second Commandment

The other aspect we need to understand is that in the shakings, God is restoring the second commandment as well as the first commandment. Love for others. What happens in the midst of a disaster or crisis? People come together and help each other. As we prepare for this fall, we need to be preparing to help others.

Today there is a prophecy about global crisis and the response is: determine to prepare for survival and self-preservation. In the 1st century there was a prophecy about a global crisis (Acts 11:27-30) and the response was: giving and aiding those impacted; each according to their ability determined to send relief to the brethren elsewhere.

We love to point fingers at the corporate depravity of our nation and say she deserves punishment while our hearts are just as bankrupt. Let’s take this time to examine our own lives and actions before we point the finger at anyone around us and make sure we are caring for the poor, needy and hurting, heeding the warnings of Scripture for the actions of Sodom.

“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16: 49-50

Folks, it is an upside down Kingdom. You give it away to keep it and this is a sign your heart is free. Again, if God is dealing corporately with us in America than our preparedness should be more of the heart than a fear based grasp to hold onto our western lifestyles. Now there is nothing wrong with preparing your home, neighborhood, church and business for crisis and disaster. Here at CRI we hold seminars on how to train people to do so. However as the church we need to take inventory of our hearts motivation to make sure we are not hunkering and bunkering in fear but rather getting ready to help others and be the glorious church in that hour. If something is out from under the Lordship of Christ right now in your life than you want that dealt with now and not later.

Hebrews 11:7 says: “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.” It’s says that Noah by faith…in holy fear prepared for his family.

Are you responding in faith or fear? Let’s choose faith. Join us as we call our nation to a fast now through September 23. We are praying and believing for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on the hearts and minds of those in our nation. Let’s humble ourselves before the Lord and believe that together we’ll see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

P.S. If we are going to be looking at the biblical calendar as a way that God deals with His people then remember the Shemitah just ended on September 13th and the year of Jubilee starts on September 23rd. I encourage you to be believing for great things!

A Brother with a Blanket

A Brother with a Blanket

I just got back from Spain recently. God has done so much I want to share, but for now I will tell some of the highlights.

As seems to be His way, God was showing up before I even got there. Sitting in the Paris airport waiting for the next flight, freezing because the air conditioning was way too low, I noticed a couple of men across from me. One was older, thin and obviously much colder than me. I had a blanket in my backpack so I pulled it out and offered it to him. It happens that he is an elder traveling with the pastor of his church in Africa. We talked until their flight left, simply enjoying how God brings His family together from around the world. A brother with blanket from America meeting a cold brother from Africa in France = life with Jesus!

Where I saw God at work the most is in the people I was there to serve, and what an amazing time! They were all there at a pivotal time in their lives training to pioneer the gospel in some of the hardest nations. My part was to provide them healthy meals so they have time and energy to focus on their part.

I also had the privilege of joining the class for a week in a location where we lived with Muslim families for the cultural experience. The family I stayed with lives in a 6′ by 14′ foot room; husband and wife, son and two daughters. While they don’t have much, they are one of the most loving families I have ever met. The amazing thing is that they had been previously exposed to the gospel and Jesus is showing Himself to them. The wife told us, “I have been praying to Mohammed and Jesus, but Jesus is the one who answers me!”

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

What does it take to be a mission builder? Please circle any or all of the applicable answers below:

  1. Good looks.
  2. Personal charm.
  3. A big bank account.
  4. The right connections.
  5. Skills everybody but you has.
  6. None of the above.

If you answered ‘none of the above,’ you are correct. Mission Builders International is looking for those who are willing to just show up and do whatever it takes. Period. We don’t require fees, memberships, or special skills. We make it as easy as possible for potential volunteers to connect with a best-fit missions service opportunity.

What about you? Do you want to serve and make a difference but don’t know how to get started? Let us help you. Answer the three following questions and you’ll be off to a good start.

Where would you like to go? MBI currently serves over 100 YWAM locations worldwide. Chances are we’re already sending volunteers to some area of the world that comes to your mind. Some locations may require a little more time, money and effort to reach, but we can help you navigate the complexities. You’ll be a pro in no time!

What would you like to do? Perhaps you have a particular skill or talent you’d like to offer, such as cooking, sewing, construction or landscaping. Maybe you’re tech savvy, artistic, or great with kids. Or maybe you’re the kind of person who likes a long and varied punch list so you can roll up your sleeves and say, “Let me at ‘em!” Whatever you’d like to do, there’s a place for you.

When can you go (and for how long)? Depending on the area of the world you choose and how your timing fits with the schedules and needs of different YWAM facilities, the sky is the limit. Go Down Under when it’s cold north of the Equator? Check. Go to the city or state next door so you can be in the vicinity of friends and family while you serve? Check. Go someplace that shares your ministry passion? Check. Put it on your calendar and contact us!

It’s easy to be a mission builder!


Good Will, Great Adventure

Good Will, Great Adventure

When Pat and Thelma Lewis of Wenatchee, WA, arrived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they were surprised and delighted to learn the only way to get to their village destination involved United Nations transport. It was one more remarkable experience to add to their four-month mission building adventure. Shoulder to shoulder with Pakistani peacekeeping soldiers, the Lewises arrived in Minembwe by helicopter to assist missionary friends for two weeks at the village’s primary school and fledgling University of Eben’ezer.

Nearly 300 students attend the two schools, many of them walking an hour or more one way for the privilege. Pat spoke to the students abThelma with Congolese students.out MBI’s role as a Christian volunteer agency, and together, using a curriculum designed in part by the university’s teachers, he and Thelma taught English classes to “very bright” children in the primary school. Thelma also instructed college students in basics of dental hygiene and created diagrams for use in future classes. “Older village women,” she noted, “reveal a thin, black line of gum tissue when they smile—the result of brushing with coal.”

The Lewises also helped with local projects. “God really used these opportunities to give back to communities wherever we went,” they said. “People in the Congo have nothing. Their provision is whatever they can raise, and their dependence on God is much greater than we could even comprehend. As Americans, our norm far exceeds their wildest dreams. Congolese men talk about survival, not retirement. So Westerners coming to give of themselves and help was the biggest gift these villagers could imagine.”Local projects.

Even the Pakistani soldiers responded to the Lewis’s good will volunteerism. “They took us in like their own,” Pat says. “We worked hard right alongside them and they alongside us to help in Minembwe.”

While their time was short due to transport schedules, Pat and Thelma know they contributed in significant ways to transformation in the Congo.

All over the world, there are possibilities for helping to change lives just as the Lewises have done—one act of service at a time.

Visit us at and find your unique opportunity.

Click here to apply online