by Becky Hefty | Jan 30, 2018 | Letter from the Director
The concept of MBI—connecting Christians with frontline missions—is entering its 40th year.
Let that sink in for a moment, if you will.
Behind that seemingly simple statement are thousands upon thousands of connections between volunteers and their friends in missions who have responded to the same call: “Who shall go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8)
MBI has served as the bridge for countless connections, not just of lifelong friendships but connections of eternal value: revealing the God Who knows us well to those who did not know Him.
Over the years, MBI’s story has not changed much. The locations and the characters (MBI’s ageless volunteers from around the world) who respond to the call make up new angles and opportunities to our story. However, the central theme is still the same: connecting Christians to frontline missions, co-laboring with YWAMers around the world to know God and to make Him known. And it has worked – very well.
Despite my occasional George Bailey moments in which I question if “it’s a wonderful life,” I can honestly answer: “It truly is.” When I consider the hundreds of personal friends who have grown with us over the years and those who have come to a loving relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior, I can exuberantly say, “Yes, I want to finish this race well!”
My bride Donna and I are also entering into and celebrating our 40th year of marital bliss and thirty-three years as YWAM missionaries. We’ve been privileged to raise our family of three children, who now have families of their own, and God has provided a way for us to serve Him by serving others.
And now, 2018 is a year of new changes ahead for us personally and for MBI as we make room for new avenues of service. Stay tuned for details. We’re REALLY excited about what the LORD has in store for us and for you!
In Jesus,
John Briggs
by Becky Hefty | Jan 30, 2018 | Connections Article
ission builder volunteers are a do-whatever-it-takes kind of people. They’re learners who aren’t afraid of new places or different cultures. They fit in almost anywhere; ready to tackle whatever work they’re handed. They love stepping into the relational and spiritual life of the campus they serve, often building life-long friendships with missionaries and other volunteers alike. Mission builders are the stuff real help is made of, which is why they’re first class world-changers.
These are just some of the reasons why Mission Builders International is proud to continue connecting as many Christian volunteers as possible with frontl
ine YWAM missions the world over. And Ken and Arlene W. are just the kind of service-hearted people we’re talking about. Here, in their own words, is their story:
“We didn’t know what to expect when we stepped off the plane in San Diego in March. But we did know that God had put it in our hearts to have a ‘different’ kind of vacation this time—a vacation that would be more about serving him and others than about being served. We had heard about Mission Builders, an arm of Youth With A Mission, from some friends of ours. After researching several opportunities on the internet and spending some time in prayer, we both felt a peace about serving in Mexico at the YWAM San Antonio del Mar campus.
“Upon our arrival, we were overwhelmed (in a good way) by the welcome we received and the friendliness of those involved in various programs there. YWAM San Antonio del Mar is a big and busy place. There are many ministries that flow out of this base. So aside from completing our daily tasks, such as food preparation and serving, washing dishes or cleaning toilets and mopping floors, we were also invited to join teams doing outreach in Tijuana and other nearby locations.

Homes of Hope project.
“This was like a dream come true for both of us. Early morning visits to a local orphanage to make breakfast for the children and visiting a local school with the library bus gave us insight into the lives of many Mexican children. We also had the opportunity to share with men in an addiction recovery center and a homeless shelter. Going for a prayer walk through the red lig
ht district of Tijuana and joining the team members who had started a program for children and mothers in another needy area of the city were definite highlights and real eye-openers as to how people live outside the resort areas of this well-known vacation destination. We felt privileged to join in with three different teams to build houses for needy families through the Homes of Hope program. Our hearts broke as we began to see these people through God’s eyes and with HIS heart. “I haven’t even touched on the blessing it was to fellowship and worship and pursue God’s heart with like-minded people from all over the world! All in all, by the end of our stay, we had fallen in love with the place and the people. As they say, ‘We have been spoiled for the ordinary’! We went to give but received so much more in return. Now we look forward to the next adventure that God has for us.”
Does Ken and Arlene’s story resonate with you? Perhaps you, too, would like to take a vacation of a different kind. We guarantee your life will be changed while you’re
busy helping to bring positive change to other’s lives.
If you can see yourself serving, visit the Mission Builders International website at and search the “Where to Go” tab for possibilities (just look at how many!). Then click on Contact Us to request a link to the application process.
We’d like to welcome you to our growing Mission Builder volunteer family!
by Becky Hefty | Jan 30, 2018 | Connections Article
MBI has fully launched its new online application system for connecting volunteers to Youth With A Mission locations around the world! Get set to serve at the YWAM location of your choice by following these simple steps:
- New to MBI’s volunteer program? Go to our website at and click on Contact Us. Fill out your name, email address and the last four digits of your phone number to create your own unique and personal contact record. Choose a username and password that will be easy for you to remember. When the message box pops up, let us know you’re ready to start the application process by clicking the Volunteer Application button, and we’ll send you an application link. (For couples, both the husband and wife must create their own individual contact records as well as complete separate applications.)
- Open the application link and fill out the form, including your references’ contact information, which will follow. Submit your application. Once your references have been returned to us, your application will be complete. You’ll then receive a message from us inviting you to choose your location. Your application and references will be sent to that location for consideration. Once you’re accepted, you’ll then confirm the details of your travel plans.
Important: Each individual applicant must supply two references. Simply provide and submit your references’ email addresses, and the reference forms will be sent to them automatically. The forms are quick and easy to fill out and may be completed on any device — smart phone, tablet or computer. (Incomplete references or inaccurate email addresses are the most common causes for application hold-ups!)
- Are you a veteran Mission Builder volunteer? If you filed an application with us prior to the launch of our new system in 2016, you’ll need to update your information and provide new, current references. Simply go to our website, click on Contact Us and follow the initial prompts to verify your information. When the message box pops up, let us know you’re ready to update your information and we’ll get you started!
- Once you’ve submitted or updated your application and requested references, you may check your application status anytime by logging into the Volunteer’s Site found in the Quick Links at the bottom of any page in our website.
That’s it! You’re now able to change and update your information at any time and volunteer at locations of your choosing without having to fill out new applications or request new references. Everything you need is stored and ready to send for your next Mission Builder adventure! We remain available to answer any questions you may have. Welcome aboard!
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